Home of the Immigrant
America, land of the free.
America, home of the brave.
America, home of the immigrant.
Change is seen as scary, terrifying,
New things can be scary,
But change is inevitable,
And the fear of change in this country needs to end.
The biggest change needed in this country, is a change in attitude.
Uncle Sam’s attitude towards immigrants is what needs to change.
No more hate, no more fear, no more lies and deceit.
For immigrants, the US is a beacon of hope,
A light in the dark
A chance for a new life, a better life,
Because everything's better in America,
-Almost everything
We’re not accepting,
We’re not helpful,
We’re not kind, caring or compassionate,
To our immigrant brothers and sisters.
In kindergarten we’re taught a simple rule to live by,
“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
As adults, it seems not to apply, but why?
Is the exception people who are different?
We need less fear, and more bravery,
We need less judgement, and more acceptance,
We need less hate, and more love,
In America, home of the immigrant.