Happiness Doesn't Come Easy
I frequently think of why i belong here, yes on Earth. What is the purpose of our lives? What is the purpose of my existence? To excel in something great, to learn valuable lessons, or to love the ones who need it the most? Over the past 17 years of my life I have learned in order to be happy you have to receive life the way it is. Be able to take on greater things. It isn't life itself that needs changing it is us as human beings or the people that you have surrounded yourself with. No one is the same as they were in the beginning. People are in continuous change. The majority of us are trying to find ourselves the other half is loosing whom they use to be all of us need to take a step back and reevaluate the importance of life. In order to be happy people need to love the life they have been granted us human beings are tender and some of us do not have the capacity to accept or tolerate what love inquires. Some people don't have the voices to be hear. People are not taught to speak for no reason. Since we are in constant change it is necessary to live within the warmth of our own heart and come to conclusion that that is our endpoint.