The Guardian
Dragons are so cruel,
As mean as they could be.
At least, thats what the world decided,
but it's not the case for me!
I need to edit the storybooks,
since they've forgot an important part.
They left out all the pages between
meeting the prince, and the start.
It wasn't the prince who talked to me, or lit my winter fires,
though many did try to "rescue me" and raise my guardians ire.
It wasn't a prince who held me through the long and lonely nights,
though many came who only wanted to see my protector and fight.
It wasn't a royal that took me flying through the open sky,
but there were plenty men turning and running, shouting,"I don't want to die!"
I'm sick to death of all the people getting the story wrong.
I'm not being rescued from a monster, he's been here all along!
So, when next you see a princess in a tower from your wagon,
just drive on past, she doesn't need saving! She already has a dragon.