growing up (raise a glass to dumb decisions)
to the girls who just turned 18
don't be a dumbass
that 24 year old isn't in love with you
especially if he saw you at age 16
and said "i guess i'll wait"
he didnt want to watch you mature
he just wanted it to be legal
so that he had a reason to push down
any hint of guilt he had
don't let him use you,
because you know he is, but you're ignoring it
since you're "so in love"
no you aren't
he's just conditioning you into thinking
manipulation and coerced sex translates to affection
predatory men aren't hot
they're pedophiles.
to the boys who just turned 18
don't be a dumbass
you catch yourself growing the addictions you fostered starting in highschool
nicotine just so happened to be your seed of choice
or maybe it was alcohol
and you tended to it with your older friend's help
as they waltzed into convenience stores with their flashy id's
and bought you some pods or a six-pack
and somehow, they didn't feel sick just thinking about it
and now that you're the chosen one with a flashy id
fucking stop
your legality isn't meant to be a fertilizer to your addictions
and to the older kids
rot in hell
stop leading your friends to their destruction
as some sort of twisted coping mechanism for your own
to the kids who just turned 18,
i'm sorry the world is this way
where this might be the first time you're hearing this
to the kids who just turned 18,
if your 24 year old partner
says they'll kill themselves if you leave them
get help, get out
if they tell you you're mature for your age
in that specific tone of voice that makes you uneasy for some reason
and then they look you up and down
get help, get out
to the kids who just turned 18,
if your friend offers you
some drink or pill and you're not quite sure what it is
say no, get out
to the kids who just turned 18,
if they touch you and you don't like it
and they don't listen when you tell them to stop
the say that you're bigger now, so you better handle it
don't let them get out alive
to the kids who are still growing up,
not quite 18,
adulthood is not an excuse for recklessness
tell your friends to share their location if they're going on tinder dates
tell your friends that drugs won't help their mind forever
tell your friends to go to a therapist
tell your friends to get help, get out
to the kids who are still growing up,
please watch yourself
i know that adulthood is something we cheer on,
something we think we are ready for
don't use it as an excuse to destroy yourself inside and out
take care,
keep watch,
travel in groups,
don't take drinks from strangers,
do anything and everything to make growing up safe
we are not peter pan,
we have to grow up someday
and god only knows the world's not cahnging anytime soon
we are not invincible
we are kids
i don't think i like growing up
i don't like seeing my classmates die
from overdosing or DUIs
i don't like seeing my friends
nearly kill themselves over school and work and college
the day i found myself unphased
when people made suicide jokes
and talked about how much they dreaded every morning
was the day i grew up
to the kids who just turned 18,
it's okay to still be a kid
it's okay to still be okay
and it's okay to bury the words
of those who try to convince you otherwise.