The Great Fall
Humpty Dumpty fell off a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
And all the kings horses and all the kings men
tried in vain to mend Humpty's suffering head
To no avail it came though
and for hours they worked
but poor Humpty
poor Humpty was still forever hurt
so great was his tumble
and so hard was his fall
that the cracks on the surface
could not be fixed at all
Yet not one of the kings horse's
nor one of his men
ever asked Humpty
why he was even in such a mess
No one asked Humpty before
as he sat on the ledge
No one asked Humpty after
as he pushed himself off
with his own two hands
so there Humpty sat
in all the chaos he had caused
with his cracks and his wounds
and his never to be fixed heart
For you see
Humpty Dumpty did not want to be
pieced back together
from the start