Poems from world-joy-

My best friend told me she wants to write poetry- I didn't tell her that I love to write also- but its something we share. However she did tell me to write a book and dedicate it to her... I think it will be a poetry book mmmhhh?
Listen to her,
as she plays that melody that I once knew.
That song that I thought was my saving grace,
twisted now to a devils song.
It started with that movie.
That one with Morgan Freeman.
As the opening credits rolled in,
that voice came into my ears.
Like soft...
Those who have felt it know
its impossible now to forget.
How consuming the darkness is
yet we were not done, were we?
We still have our...
I can't live without air.
That automatic pull that the lungs take,
that convert within themselves,
without us even thinking or...
Its a creak in my bones that makes me shiver.
How hard it is to get up I think.
Was it always like this.
Was the sun always to bright, ...