Graduation 2017
Time flew by
And it's only two more months
Before I close this chapter
And begin the next.
An eager goodbye to most
But forced and choked out for some
And to think that I'll never see them again.
Tears build up in my heart -
They'll probably pour extravagantly
When I've spent hours preparing myself
And they'll ruin my makeup
And they'll stain my dads shirt
And they'll stand out in pictures
Permanent for all of time
But those tears are hard earned
Twelve years prepared
And while they mean so many goodbyes
I wasn't ready to say,
They mark dozens of "hello's"
I have yet to get to know
My childhood will be shed at the foot of the stage
But my youth is never spent.
Daily blessed with a full opportunity to enjoy life
To greet each day, each new opportunity
And spend every moment not wishing for the next.
Because, as I've seen,
Time flies by
And in it, memories are made.