Good Morning, Me.
I found my voice when I started speaking.
For all those years I kept my head down,
Watching without being seen,
Seeing without being heard,
Hearing without being able to do anything about it.
So have you.
Without knowing it, without realizing it,
You have been doing the same.
Who knew?
Who knew that so many voices were just now finding themselves
After years of being under wraps.
Good for you, for speaking out.
The world deserves to hear your voice.
You deserve to hear your voice
And bask it its sound.
Don’t ever think that what you have to say is worthless.
I did, and that is why I have only just been able to find my true voice.
The voice that speaks out against wrong
And speaks up in support of right.
My voice is just now waking up from its deep sleep of a thousand years.
Good morning, me.
My day has just begun.