Glow-Up, Grow Up Scholarship Slam
I realized I was grown up
When I learned to apply makeup
And when I went through my first break up
There were a lot of things that molded me
Into everything I wanted to be
I realized I had to open my eyes and see
And that would truly be the key
I would notice different people's anger
Or realized when my mom discussed danger
But, the biggest thing that made me grow
Was realizing the love I had for strangers
I loved to hear their stories
Of all categories
From their time of glory
To their times of exploring failed territory
I began to understand
Everyone is a different man
Everyone is dealt a different hand
You can choose to fall, or you can choose to stand
When I grew up
I realized, to listen and not interrupt
For the stories people tell you
Are often about their break-through
You can learn so much
When you understand one's crutch
And why they speak like such
Everyone has a story
You just have to stand back
You cannot attack
Or give any feedback
You just have to listen
Then you'll see them glisten
You understand one's mission
Through how they describe their vision
All you have to do is listen
That's when I grew up.