Glorified Disparity
To whom will I go when I have found no one?When will I be of need to those who have everything?If every whole is filled, which hole do I fill?Or am I already found? Am I already of need? Am I already a peg to a whole? How do I not know. Why do I feel like the dust wiped from your sandals. Why do I feel so forgotten and aloneWhy does my heart cry with the voice of many angry and defeated soldiers,praying for death, yet walking forward. Why does that never ending, never ceasing prayer run across my lipsEvery long night.And each new day. At whence will I seek refuge from the pelting rain of fearTo where will I hide from the quaking pangs of hurt Where shall I go away from the floods of selfishness and jealousyHow may I escape the winds of hatred or lust. Oh my God! If I have everything then why am I stripped to nothingness. Why am I found so insignificant; minute; un important to the world.Why do i succeed the thoughts of those who I do not cherish,yet fail to meet the standards of those who I find most dear. My God, if you are There,a firmly mounted boulder of glory,than where do i stand in comparison?Surely not in the pits of despair. Make me to stand upon the arms of your throne,show me the path to everlasting eternity.