Give Me Hope
Imagine yourself on a stranded island:
the sand in your hair
the broken boat that is near
the loneliness that's with you there.
Personally, that scene seems unbearable
for in my mind it all seems so dark
with nothing around you but a vast emptiness
unless you count hope that rests in your heart,
and when I think of that hope
the scene seems to change
into something that's a little better
and something a little less strange.
It's for that reason and more
that hope is the answer
to the question of what would you take if you were stranded on an island
because at the end of the day-hope drives away the ultimate monster.
It may be just an idea
but if I'm stranded on an island- hope is what I would take
not just because it makes the situation a little better or that it drives away any monsters
but more so because hope fills you with this strength
that makes you believe you can do anything
which helps your own surival
so by indirect cause, hope is what has you stay alive
long enough for you to wait for your savior's arrival.
However, with all of that said
hope is needed far more than just when you're on an island alone
for the optimism that gives you strength works in every aspect of life
and the more you have it- the more you're not really on your own.