Getting past the hate and accepting love anew
Do you hate me, do hate me for whom I’m attracted to
Well, its not my fault, I was born this way
I can’t change it and I shouldn’t try
I’m gay and I accept who I am.
I had hated myself for so long
I denied who I was
I had even attempted to release myself from this life
And for what, your hypocritical beliefs
I almost faded under the weight of my own hatred
but in the sea of my hopelessness I saw hands of warmth and understanding
hands that cared about me
hands that pulled me out of the suicidal thoughts that had become my home
Unknowingly my friends save my life with their open minds and love
even after revealing my “dark secret”
even after mutilating myself again
they stood by me with open arms
now, I want to do same for others who are just like me, I want to tell them
you are worthy of your life
you are worthy of love
and you shouldn’t have to be afraid to be who you are
we can’t change, we are who we are
we’re your family, your friends and co-workers
and we have been beaten, ridiculed, threaten, and even killed
but we still struggle to keep our light shining bright so that others can shine bright without fear
being gay is not a sin, it’s not wrong, and it’s not a choice
so you can take back your religions
you can take back your traditions
because were here and were queer and nothing can change that.
So why hate us for being who we’re meant to be
Why hate at all, we all struggle to be accepted in this life
And we all want to love and be love
Because love doesn’t discriminate nor hate, so why should we
With love we can conquer the blinding hate and discrimination toward gays that poisons the world
And I will fight discrimination until all gays have the same equal rights as everyone else.