Although I may not have a score as high as you for my IQ
Don't think that I'm any less than you
Because I don't have to know advanced mathematics and quantum mechanics
In order to be labeled a genius
First let's go back to the facts and define two words that are the basis of this rhyme
First word is intelligence defined as the ability to learn, reason, and understand
The next word is genius defined as exceptionally great natural ability
Do you see anywhere in these definitions where they are placed under one category: the classroom
And I believe that knowledge is power but I am a doubter of the concept of no child left behind
Because if this was so true everyone would get a chance to enhance their skills and achieve their vision
But the money that should be spent on public schools goes to the prisons.
And society has given intelligence and genius the idea that it's only reserved for people that have a 4.0 GPA
Who can logically analyze
Who can write essays and go beyond their abilities
But what about those outside of school facilities
While in the classroom I am brilliant at what I do
But my genius is invested in something else
I have a mission to spread positive feelings through my musical intuition
But because I'm not the best at math
My fellow students choose to belittle me in class
To them I'm not a genius
I've been defined as stupid and a waste of time
But your logic is foolish to God
So any hurtful thing you say to me is perfectly fine
Because the truth is of the the matter is
Each and every last one of us are dumb as rocks
And our "genius" and "intelligence" coems from the almighty God