I am a millennial, a ‘Y’
Part of the Global Generation
Born between the birth of AIDS
And 9/11
Pumped full of entitlement
And narcissism
We are complained about
By all the baby boomers
Who are frustrated with us
Or jealous of us
We try and say we’re all different
An individual
No one else like us
However, we each share one thing
A defining trait of numbness to the world
Our indifference to suffering
I have done
And will continue to do
Anything I can to not feel
Sex, drugs, booze
Just take away the pain
Take away the whispers
And the rumors
And all the boys I loved
Who will never love me back
It’s to this generation I belong
The ones who drink coffee
As if it were water
And vodka
As if it were coffee
Hell, kids try to kill themselves
And then are back in class
Like nothing happened
We are part of the generation
Who avoid exposing our pain
To those who couldn’t care less
We think that pain is the worst feeling
It’s not
Nothing is worse, then the eternal hole
That burns inside us all
There are times
When I don’t eat anything at all
So I can be as empty
As I feel on the inside
And that’s the end result of all this
We shut out the pain
Until we don’t feel anything
Just an eternal numbness
To the fucked up world around us
It’s all we can do to keep it inside
It’s all we can do to not let others in
We all think we’re more important
Than the one sitting next to us
But the one thing we often forget
Because it’s so easy to let it slip our minds
There is not one thing
That someone is not
Crippling sad about
We are the generation who will
Continue to kill ourselves slowly
Some of us drink, some of us smoke
And some of us fall in love
But we all end ourselves in different ways
So I’ll continue on to have
My daily cigarettes
With my morning vodka
And my late night coffee