Her favorite numbers are 9-1-1 Her favorite words are,"NO,STOP...please" Her favorite position:begging on her knees
His favorite numbers are 2-5-1-8 which happens to be her alarm code His favorite words are,"shh..we wouldn't want the neighbors to hear us....now would we?" His favorite position:Watching her get in hers....
He tells her,"I will love you forever!" She struggles from his grasp Barely screaming never
but after nine months of pain Here comes a baby That he wont let her name
He names her Angel says she's beautiful just like her mother...
at the age of five the mother gets ill... suddenly dies
He treats the girl like a Queen and at the age of nine She's loses her innocence to Daddy-King
He destroyed her world and after all of that he has the audacity to say, "Sweetheart,your my Favorite Girl..."