Falling Even Farther
He reaches out because he is lost -
He is so tired of drowning his sorrows.
When instead of compassion he is met with disregad,
He finds himself falling even farther.
She hurts herself because she wants to feel -
She is so tired of being numb.
When instead of empathy she is met with disgust,
She finds herself falling even farther.
He leaves because he thinks it will be best -
He is so tired of causing her pain.
When instead of gratitude he is met with angry glares,
He finds himself falling even farther.
She makes herself forget because she is weak -
She is so tired of reliving painful memories.
When instead of help she is met with condescending smiles,
She finds herself fallng even farther.
We don't do anything to help because we are scared -
We are so tired of being rejected for who we are.
When instead of love we are met with silent pain,
We find ourselves falling even farther.