The Face of Truth
Hold on!!!! So you’re telling me I can’t hide behind this curtain
So you telling me I have to show everybody the real me
The girl who just needs to make her family happy
The girl who smiles when she’s hurting just so others can be happy
So I guess that means it’s time to take off my mask And tell everybody who I really am
Does that mean everyone will judge me or even hate me
Truth is I don’t know if I’m ready for that but I’ll take a stab at it anyway
I’m that little brown girl who fights to love herself every day
That girl that has hopes that someday she will make a change
The one who love on others when they do her wrong
I’m the one who will cry behind closed doors and still whisper I’m ok
I’m that girl who runs towards the finish line because she’s afraid of failure
I’m the girl who words comfort her but on the other hand scares her
I’m that girl who’s afraid of how other people will treat me if I put my heart on my sleeve
SO!!!!!!! Until then I will hide behind these curtains they are the only thing saving me