I'm 15 years old now.Ms. Luna calls my name." Pay attention Ms. Campos, your timed assignments not a game."" Well i'm trying hard to focus. B-but these words inside my brain...They keep getting in the way see, but nevermind-i'll concentrate." "Psst. Come home, we understand you."I hear them once again.I glance down and touch my notebook.Lightly, I lift my pen. As if some words could save me,or take me far away.As if this little hobby;is so much more than play. You ever felt that feeling?Being swayed off to a place...Like a portal from reality;A much needed holiday. So I open up the journal;All the clutter starts to shrink.This might very well be magicOr some madness matched with ink. I might fail this class I know it.But gosh, I've never felt so F R E E.Mom will never understand it-Oops. "TIMES UP."Bell rings.