Eye see you
Take my eyes away and blanket me in darkness
the world of color doesn't just belong to artists.
I never knew blue or red or yellow
what is this black you speak of fellow?
It just is what it is, I cannot describe, for I do not know
your terms are unfamiliar and mine alien aglow.
Take away the sight of the world
and I wonder if we can all stumble around together, hearts curled
in the sensation of touch.
Let's link hands, and allow minds to clutch
onto this beautiful judgement unbased on appearance.
First impression looks no longer an inteference.
Will the words disgusting, dirty, ugly, poor
still be sown in Earth's pasteur?
I wonder maybe hopelessly but desperately, I dream
that one day people can look past the thick glasses, broken skin, and acne cream
and find the girl that loves to run, to laugh, and just be friends.
past the dark made up face of the guy garbed in black and red contact lens
and see that his love for animals grew from a lack of accepting human hands.
The grandma at the corner of the street, the kids making up dream bands,
the neighbor four doors down, but most importantly
that person that defies normalcy
that person you never talk to that gives you pause
just because--
excuses, lies
close your eyes, strip away your woes
and just say, "Hello."