The Evolution of Poetry
She was a small child of seven, loved learning and writting
A smart child for being in second grade
She wrote about Autumn while her parents were fighting
She thought she had it made
She was a slender, intelligent fifth grader
She wrote poems on her binders while bored in class
Most were about alone and transparent, but she got over it later
But still, her emotions were as translucent as glass
She was a lonely sixth grader who just needed a friend
She lived in a new town now, and wrote to not feel empty
She was an insecure twelve-year-old who wondered when it would all end
She wrote poems about life, she didn't know what she wanted to be
She was an eighth grader who didn't know why she was crying
She had a 4.0, and she ran faster than her entire school
She cared so much what others thought, she felt like she was lying
She dreamed of high school and of becoming cool
She was a scared girl of fourteen who believed she'd soar high
She wanted a new beginning and looked forward to being older
She didn't expect that she'd ever write about wanting to die
And she didn't realize how everything got colder
She wrote poems to Delia, and knew she was in love
With a girl who made her feel like a burden
She wrote poems about darkness, with nothing above
Things would get better but she still wondered when
She wrote poems about people who didn't deserve her
She wrote about her monsters and her happiness, which was dying
She wrote about everything being a blur
It was difficult to stop crying
And then she was fifteen, and less of a grenade
She froze off her emotions and wrote poems about being numb
Because she knew no one would have ever stayed
She knew she was happy, but she was also quite dumb
At sixteen, she wrote for her community and her passion
She wrote for the ones who were like her
She spoke out for the silenced, and wrote poems about the rainbow behind the sun
She stood up for the ones who were always unsure
And suddently a boy pursued her, and she thought it was real
She let her heart defrost, and let go of the fear
She thought it was mutual how he made her feel
But they again after the time where she drank too much beer
She started going to parties, and each party she would experience loss
She lost her trust in people, she lost her mental stability
She started drinking vodka, and then she lost something that might have been
She lost her heart when someone tripped over it and shattered it
She lost everything that made her even want to begin
She wrote about heartbreak, and being led on
She wrote poems about not being enough
And poems about dawn
She drank a bottle of wine and wanted to forget
About being broken because of a girl and a lot of other stuff
Now she is seventeen, and she writes poems about being hurt
Poems about what might have been, and what will never be
But finally she realizes, not everyone will treat her like dirt
There are people that love her who she can finally see
One day she hopes to write poems that aren't just about regret
She wants to write poems about love and being full of life
She wants to write for those who feel the same, because she'll never forget
How the poems evolved from being dreams to coping with strife.