Everything We Once Were
Here without him,
I have nothing
I am nothing
I have constant doubt
Flaring up inside
I have constant worry
And there are always tears to cry
With him,
I had everything
We were everything
I had no doubt
Felt no hurt or pain
Had no worry
I had no reason to shed a tear
Now everywhere I go
Everything I see
There are constant reminders of him
Of what we had
Of what we were
Of what we felt
There's always something
He's always there
I search
Every place
Every face
But all I see is him
For years,
I've believed in him
I've believed in love
I've believed that we can overcome anything
Now that belief
That love
That happiness
That everything
It's gone
And it's been replaced with emptiness
I've lost all of our smile and laughs
All of our dreams
All of our plans for the future
I've lost his hand in mine
I've lost his warm embrace
I've lost his tender words of love
I've lost his gentle voice
I've lost our late night talks
I've lost the stars in his eyes
I've lost his love
I've lost his heart
I've lost him
I've lost us
I've lost everything
And everything we once were.