Ever Wonder
Ever wonder?
About the clap of thunder
That is never heard
Under the rustle of the wings of a bird?
A bird who goes just with the group
That follows loop after loop
That is apparently still unique
But still conforms so as not to be called a freak
Ever wonder what's behind the mask?
But who really is up to the task
Of looking under a turtle's shell?
Do you think that this ring a bell?
Because I'm sure you've seen it
The shell is seen when you're down in the pit
Ever wonder who you really are?
Questioning what is behind the star
That everyone can see
The boy, the girl who will be
The one that people will make ask themselves
"Is this the real me?"
Because that is what people want to know
But if we had the answer, what would show?
The complex demon who searches
Or the questioning angel who perches
On your shoulder whispering secrets
Of success, of wonders, of the sound of crickets
Because as you question, you begin to think
That there is no success, there is no next link
To push you forward,
But what do you want to go toward?
The next mask that will mark you?
Are you suppesed to try to walk in a certain shoe?
Ever wonder what role you are supposed to hold?
To the point that you don't have to be told
To fit into this space
To try to squeeze into this place
That is apparently the right size.
But ever wonder if it's just lies.
Ever wonder?
Where is the thunder?
The missing boom of protest?
The people who supposedly contest
Against conformities
Against being the same
Against hiding who you are
Againsts the masks and the curtains
We should not have to question "Who am I?"
Because then we'll have an answer
An answer creates certainty
Then we'll have something to hide behind
A place we are supposed to fit in
The shell that no one looks under
A bird who's flapping wings
Cover the sound of thunder
A mask
A shield
A curtain
Given by the answer
To the question
Ever wonder
who you really are?