End Stigma: I am not my illness
Bipolar disorder is a major part of my life
I cannot let certain people know
If my job knew,
They may search for a reason to fire me
I would be considered a liability
If a school I applied to knew,
They may think I cannot keep up with the course work
I would be set up for failure
If my peers knew,
They may think of me as weak
I would not make new friends
If outsiders knew,
They may think I am unable to be self-sufficient
I would not be taken seriously
These people are WRONG
I am NOT a liability
I am reliable
I am NOT a failure
I am serious about my education
I am NOT weak
I am strong
I am self-sufficient
I am worth being taken seriously
I am proactive in reaching my goals
I am capable of life
I will never give up hope