The Duality of Self: Lost & Found
To the person I have been:
You were a young girl who carried the weight
of the world on your shoulders.
You were a sea of consciousness,
your heart vast & full
of treasured secrets. Your words brought waves
of revelation, inspiration, reincarnation,
as they washed ashore
into a world not yet prepared to embrace
their depth. You harbored
pain, but you buried it within,
so that when it surfaced, you radiated
passion. You felt if you could not change the world,
your suffering was in vain.
Drops of your ocean now stream down your face.
Crystal waters cloud to murky gray and
your teeming coral reefs decay, leaving
skeletons behind. In order to protect
yourself, you calcify an outer shell.
How much longer can you swim on the surface?
You are hope(less).
You are passion(less).
You are life(less).
You are emotional(ly drained).
You are complete(ly empty).
You’re drowning in the depths of your mind;
your thoughts steal the air from your lungs.
You have a mind for words
but no words in your mind.
You’ve been rendered empty,
your essence seized by the very
chemical reactions which
once brought it to life.
Mind breaks with body;
mind breaks with reality.
Your mind is taking a break;
you’re a body without a mind.
How can you move without purpose?
Your body’s taking a break;
you’re a mind without a body.
How can you claw your way out?
You know you can’t be present
without body and mind working
in conjunction to forge your being.
You sink deeper and darkness creeps upon you.
You’ve really lost yourself this time.
But it’s okay to lose yourself.
You must first lose yourself
to find yourself.
Your soul is a pearl forming,
trapped in its hostile environment.
Navigate the chasms of your mind.
Clear the pollution in search of clarity.
You will recreate yourself once more.
Just know that the longer you’re lost,
the less time you’ll have
once you’re found.
- The person I have become