Drunk Driving
Stuck here,
In this chair.
Hey man at least its got wheels.
I never get to leave this thing.
It sucks,
Day after day I sit here,
To be honest;
Its not even that comfortable.
But it’s my fault.
I went off the road.
I was drunk,
I still got behind the wheel of that car,
I knew it was bad.
Hey listen to me,
Kid, I know you think you haven’t had to many to drink,
But one is too many.
Do you want to end up like me?
Do you want to end up in a fucking chair trying every day to wiggle your toes?
Or to wake up and freak out because you don’t know if you have anything from the waist down,
Yeah, that means I can’t feel my dick.
Guess I’m not having kids.
Getting behind the wheel of a car drunk is not smart,
It’s not worth it.
Trust me.
You still have a life.
I sure as hell don’t.