10 feet
The distance from my desk to yours
I don’t know that for sure
But it’s a close enough guess
You and the other girls used to chase the boys at recess
But you say
That you only did it for Joseph
0.8 miles
The distance from your house to mine
When you walked back into my life years later
We lived in a different city
Nowhere near the kindergarten class where we first met
You can say what you want about fate
But I think mine
Looks a lot like you
194 feet
The distance from my front steps to yours
When you finally moved
Just two houses away
The place we spent so much time in
The only house I’ve ever had a sleepover with a girl in
Where we made cookies
And so many memories
1771 miles
The distance from my house in Phoenix Arizona to yours in Louisville Kentucky
In the time that I’ve consciously known you
We’ve never been further
But that hasn’t stopped us
From talking about everything
The good
And the bad
We’ve talked for a year straight
Sometimes it’s just a quick hello
Sometimes it’s a full fledged catch up session
But no matter how near
Or far you are
I’ll be right here
Loving you