Dear Politically Collective Tykes of 2017
I have a black friend
And I have a white friend
It's not racist
It's a fact
(Unless I actually don't have one)
I have a friend that's black
And I have a friend that's white
Yet every time someone says it
It provokes a fight
Anything about race invites trouble
Bringing thousands of protesters on the double
Whenever Liberals do this, things get worse
Almost as if they were hexed or cursed
Altruism and equality is what they preach
Yet fascism and regimentation is what they teach
Democracy is the ideology they abide
Yet their very wish is for the world to divide
You claim that there are 33 sexualities and 76 genders
But it's just a fad that got spread on Tumblr by Trans Trenders
Some of you identify as otherkin or another age
Some of you have a list pronouns for us to memorize that fill up the whole page
Islam is a religion of peace
Yet thousands of innocent lives are taken by this toxic ideology in the Middle East
"Anything bad is done by the extreme"
You're both still Muslim whether you are radical or moderate, so what do you mean?
Islam exists only because people fear being murdered if they leave
Oh, what a horrible act indeed, when first we practice to aggrieve
I don't understand why you feminists categorically hate men
Yet you post pictures online in hopes to get rated with nothing but a ten
If you want to be fat then go right ahead
You're going to be the one in the hospital lying on the deathbed
Why do you gratify the well-being of criminals?
I'm honestly not sure if you people are hominal
Since you're obviously capable of getting things done
Do the law enforcement a favor and stop calling 911
Open borders in the United States would cause a plethora of chaos; cacophony
Remotely congruent to what happened in Germany
Among thousands of illegal immigrants are already living here and are hard to trace
Unfortunately for the homegrown Americans, we would not enough jobs or space
And then there's so-called the conservatives
Who find the legality of cannabis by US jurisdiction superlative
Take opium, alcohol, cocaine, meth, or heroin, (or even copious amounts of pharmaceutical drugs) on a regular basis and you will die
Can't say the same thing about weed (because that would be a lie)
You're too psychologically beleaguered to know that abortion rights are pro-life
It's not up to the husband, but the wife
For over 50 years, aborticide was something you people quell
Would not admittance anyone to accredit the cachet of life to a few beastly cells
So many of you think that global warming is a fraud
I find that, frankly, very odd
Melting glaciers, early snowmelt, and severe droughts will cause more drastic water shortages and increase the risk of wildfires in the American West
But you probably think they're just random speculations coined by science-invested pests
Don't even get me started on how you view Christianity
In your eyes, it's an innocent, apt, perspicacious, sanity
But in reality, it's an astronomical guile spread by sophists
Nothing profound ever comes out of the mouth of theosophists