Dear Best Friend
United States
38° 11' 15.5796" N, 122° 14' 33.72" W
See map: Google Maps
United States
38° 11' 15.5796" N, 122° 14' 33.72" W
See map: Google Maps
My dearest best friend,
Wipe the tears from your stained face,
I am here for you,
Forever and Always,And I will be there,
When bad things happen,
When good things happen,
When life tosses you some lemons,
And you have the bright idea to make lemonade.
Oh my dear best friend,
Do not get lost,
Do not shrink and depart from my love,
And the love of so many others,
I will miss you.
Dear best friend,
I see you everywhere I go,
In the shine of an apple,
In the mystery of a rainbow,
In a baby's sweet little giggle,
So don't go!
Please stay with us,
Because YOU make the world an amazing place,
And we ALL need you,