A Day in the Life of a Graduate Student
It's 5 AM, time to wake up
and put on make up,
so you don't look so tired,
those freshmen can smell exhaustion.
TA-ing Comp 101 all day
and your own classes all night,
leave little time for you to play
or sleep or even bathe.
A hundred papers to grade
and a twenty page thesis to write
make up your weekend plans
for the rest of the school year.
Date night has been cancelled,
for the next two years and
Mom wonders why you never call,
she doesn't understand that you can't do it all.
You wonder if it's worth it,
getting a master's degree
in the art of making coffee,
your possible future career.
But you put on your game face
for your students and smile,
they are what make it all worthwhile,
this crazy ride called graduate school.