A Day, A Day, A Chapter Away
A call of affirmation
An air of great suppression
Awoken by the stream of light
Which beckons me to my day's plight
A screaming alarm
It means no harm
But morning is dreary
And I am weary
For the day is long and I belong
Every hour, pen in hand, all along
The words, they tumble
Then they crumble
Scaring my mentality into recession
For all my work, is wreaked with depression
The day it bends - bends and weaves
Falling like fresh, colored leaves
My word is filled with relentless mistakes
And the words in my heart - aches, aches
A million minutes which seem to pass
I'm running fiercely from class to class
A hello here, a gentle hi there
Not many friends linger within my air
I'm a bit alone, myself and my word
The writing it comes, sharp as a sword
The sun calls forth, leading me out
Into the light, where squirrels scamper about
The sky burns orange, then a pearlescent blue
As the clouds roll out, soon clear as new
A day begins, once again, a home is built for me and my pen
With notebook in hand, I rush to win
For the goal of the day
A mere chapter away
Upon whithered cotton and stained with horizons
It seems untouched until befall inspirations
The stunning way spoken, laid upon paper
All dipped in gold with a deepening favor
Each letter, each word, each saddened fell tear
Where happy endings come forth - oh, so near
My day begins with a glistening thought
All the characters appear, riddled with naught
I rise to bleed, my soul made of ink
As I call forth my heart and let my characters speak
They whisper, shout, and let out a scream
As I once recall, my inspiring dream
This is the reason for I greet the day
As each beautiful morning, is just one chapter away.