Dark Neurons, and rapid potential
“Can you feel it?
The madness slowly going
up your spinal cord.
The black ooze mixing with your
neurons to create something new.
Something different. Something
dangerous. You can feel can’t you.
The way the concoction, and the spinal cord meet.
You don’t know it, but the madness has taken
over. You’ve succumbed to it’s power, and are
a slave to it’s whim. Even now you’re nothing.
The person you were has faded from existence.
Replaced by someone else thanks to this thing.
You're hopeless to stop it, so you remain to the
side, as you watch all the horrors unfold with the
usage of your face. Blood stained walls, the taste
of organs, and the smell of rotting corpses. You’re
life has become that of a puppet. This is what
happens to man who seek power. Madness potentials
firing, rapidly giving new orders, new ways to slaughter,
and the like. You see the brain turn black, but somehow
it’s healthier than it has been ever before. How can this
be you ponder? An answer isn't found but even as you watch
you can’t help but feel proud about it, and then it happens. Your
body is given back to you. This body is different. It’s more awake,
more energized, much more can be done, and focused on. Perhaps
this doesn't need to be used for evil purpose. But you are wrong, to
continue functioning at this level, lives must be lost, and the body fed.
Will you give up this feeling of power, or continue killing to satisfy your
own needs? Of course the question has been answered for fifty percent
of the show is run by the blackness flowing within you.”
A smile of madness, and eyes black as night there is no turning back
on this path.