danger wears many faces
“Just carry a gun,
“Just carry a knife,
“Learn some self-defense,
that way you can defend yourself in the face of danger.”
What’s the face of danger then?
Is it the man staring at my chest
or the unknown boy following me?
Is it the car that’s driven by me twice
or only once twice becomes thrice?
Is it the man who says smile
or the one who wants a hug,
even though neither will take no
for an answer?
Is it the boy who says
“If you love me…” and asks
for what I’m unwilling to give?
Is danger only the rapist
or is it the attacker, already too close?
So when I pull that gun,
So when I flash that knife,
So when my training kicks in,
Who are you going to blame?
What are you going to blame?
Me and my so-called paranoia
Him and his actions?