DAMN men
Pick this up
Pick that up
Shut your mouth
Women should be seen
Not heard.
Make me tea
Make me breakfast
Make me tea
Make me lunch
Make me tea
Make me dinner
Make me tea
Now give me my insulin injection you insolent maggot.
One of these days these damn men will realize they can
Wash their own laundry
And make their own food.
Just cuz’ you come from the south
Doesn’t mean
You get to tell me what to do
Just because I am the weaker sex
Just because I can bear children
Doesn’t mean I should bend over and
Pick up your clothes.
Where the hell does your reasoning come from old man
Not from here no sir
Your backwards thinking is the same
Since they locked up women for
Ruining their frocks each month,
Dying from an unknown disease
Painting the canvas red.
Lord help us if there was a time machine
To send your ass to the past you’d
Fit in anywhere
At anytime
Just cuz’ you’re a white man.
Shut up and listen for once
We have opinions
We have knowledge
Why can’t you see?
Why can’t you hear?
Is it because that thing on your shoulders is so far up
The deep dark tunnel behind you
That you can’t hear?
Or that you can’t see?
Yet not far enough that your mouth is occluded from uttering those
Nasty words.
You blackguard
You nitwit
You see the fridge
You see the TV
Oh, you saw that mess?
Oh, that’s right, that’s my job
Not yours
No its ok, prop your feet up and go back to sleep.
That mess will be gone from the floor
But might end up on your pillow.