From the time your in the womb, and hear the sounds around you; before you could walk, talk, or maybe even crawl, 

you can guarantee the brainwash has started and will control you before long. Theres nothing you can do about

it and nowhere you can run, lets be honest for a moment the damage here is done.

All our lives we're told how society wants us to act, our goals in life mere set in plans conspiracies at their best.

We were trained to think the way we do how can we help it if its all we know?

Our lives just games for wicked people their real life puppet show.

We were taught young by the world despite our parents attempts of this to shelter that all that counts in this

life is who can do life better. Who is richer or has more success? Who amongst looks the best? Whats in it for me

or forget the rest! and by all means obey the government and their commands!

Selfish greed with evil haste; Wickedness within our brains;  Its something that consumes you, something we've all

grown into; and how we even practice life was mapped out for us to.. they gave us a list of things to choose then told 

us what to choose. So are the judgements we make our own? Though structured by what all we've learned? And all

we've learned is what we've been taught! By the ones who planted generic thoughts! In attempts to make us 

something we're not? So now, can you look me in the eyes? and tell me i am wrong! tell me the government isnt  

the devil! And that it doesn't control us all! This life we live here on earth was meant to make us fall.

It will eat you up, and spit you out, but thats what makes you strong. 

Its up to us to choose the path; The right one sends us home. I'm not worried though for what it worth, because

worrying wont do shit! Instead i pray almost every day for this planet, and all within.

This poem is about: 
My family
My community
My country
Our world


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