I run my hand across the battered and worn cover,
Feeling the dust collect in the creases of my palm.
I hear the ache of its spine as it creaks open,
Releasing a familiar scent: aged paper and fading ink;
A scent I spent hours immersed in as a child,
Desperately trying to understand, comprehend,
The many definitions in its vast world of words.
You ask me to describe who I am:
Tell you my stories, share my experiences,
But only one word comes to mind – I need to find it.
Webster’s New World Dictionary: Third College Edition.
Page 302, right column, tenth word from the top.
There it is – there I am.
1 a contradicting or being contradicted
2 a statement in opposition to another; denial
3 a condition in which things tend to be contrary
to each other; inconsistency; discrepancy
4 a person, thing, or statement having contradictory
elements or qualities”
I cannot recall if I have always been,
I only know that I am completely one now.
Please, before further confusion, let me explain:
I encourage ‘natural’ beauty – a makeup-free identity,
Yet am ashamed to let sunlight see my face deprived of makeup.
I support the disregard of a money-hungry society,
Yet focus too much of my time on this bill and that check.
I advocate for positive thinking and optimism towards oneself,
Yet lock my mind in a prison of negativity and pessimism.
I preach that all body figures are ones of irrevocable beauty,
Yet have starved myself to reach ‘society’s’ beauty standards.
I will forgive you for your wrongdoings against myself and others,
Yet endlessly punish myself for any and all offenses I may cause.
I will laugh, smile, and proclaim my happiness,
Will tell you I am doing well and that my mind is much better,
Yet I still struggle with tormenting thoughts,
Still suffocate under the weight of depression,
Still fight the overwhelming want to self-annihilate.
You asked me to describe who I am:
Tell you my stories, share my experiences,
But only one word came to mind – I needed to find it.
Webster’s New World Dictionary: Third College Edition.
Page 302, right column, tenth word from the top.
There it remains – there I stay.
I clutch at the edges of the battered and worn cover,
Feeling the dust collect under my painfully gnawed-down nails.
I hear the ache of its spine as I slam it closed,
Assaulting my face with a familiar scent: aged paper and fading ink;
A scent I have just immersed myself in for hours,
Desperately trying to understand, comprehend,
The many reasons why I am a CONTRADICTION.
Neufeldt, Victoria, and David B. Guralnik. "Contradiction."Webster's New
World Dictionary of American English. Third College Edition ed. New
York: Prentice Hall, 1994. 302. Print