Beautiful girl,
Your eyes are closed
And the world is passing by
You probably don't know why.
You might feel like the world is slowly forgetting you,
But I'm here
And they're here
And we're not giving up on you.
Your family is here, my dear
And we're waiting for you.
We want to here your voice again,
Your laugh again, and here you say
That you are okay,
But we know that you're not
And there's nothing we can do.
Only time can really tell.
This feels like hell.
I hold your cold hand and your arms are warm.
I don't know what to feel other than feeling torn.
You are the only person I wanna see
Right here is the only place where I want to be.
It feels like an empty space and when
I look at your face
Your eyes aren't looking back at me
And I imagine your lips smiling at me.
Stay strong;
Stay right here.
That's all I can say to your fragile body
And I pray
One day you'll wake up from this coma
And I'm gonna
Be right next to you
Just to tell you
That you are
A beautiful girl
And that your eyes have been closed
For a long time.
I'll tell you why and you'll cry
While I tell you that the world has been passing by
But I'll also tell you
That you were always on my mind
And on their mind
And we never gave up on you.