Color Blind
I work harder
As I ponder the future
How sad it will be
Unless we learn
How to be
Happy in our
I wipe my brow
Sweating like crazy
My face seems to be
Set in a permanent scowl
If only I could change somethting
Just one tiny little thing in
This world
I would change
How my people
Seem to think
They can't do better
I pour my soul into
Everything I do
Yet I see people
Only giving 10%
They let the
Belief that their skin
Is a barrier holding
Them back
I want to change how
They see themselves
Show the that the world
Isn't color blind
Change how we have
So called factions
Based on the gradient
Of our skin hue
If we will be divided
Let it be against those
Putting poisonous lies
Into our heads
Telling us the lighter
Our skin
The better we
Will be treated
By society
So now I hope
For a change in
Our attitude to
One another
To stop the poison
From spreading
To our younger
I stop
I look
And I see
All the work
Was for not
For nothing
My art is done
And I will entitle it