College Days
Trudging my feet across the street
Waiting underneath a foggy, humid sky,
Yet again, the bus is late.
An hour long ride from my home to school
Foreign music blasting my eardrums
I always thank God for the vehicle’s air condition
Another school year starts the same
Getting lost searching for my classes
My stomach gnawing at my inners for sustenance
But the food here is fried and sit like a rock
Computers labs are full and noisy
Our single library is no better
Music plays in places were silence should exist
Wifi sucks and chews out any connection I get
Despite it all, I still come here everyday
Sit in the same seat and do my work
Study every night for high marks on tests
Earning my credits through sleepless nights
For the chance to leave this state
Earn my degree somewhere else
Become the artist I believe I could be
This year is coming to a close
My transfer looms over my
Excitement and nervousness intermingle
My heart beats faster with each passing day
Half of the year just flew by
With my GPA over 3.0
And my portfolio ready to be sent
A Bachelor’s degree in Illustration
That’s what I strive for
My skills with a pencil and tablet grows
As well as my skills with words
And once the moment arrives
When I am to leave this school for another
I know my goals will finally take flight
This college isn’t perfect
But has helped shaped the woman I am now
And soon I will bid it goodbye
Once on that plane and across the country
Away from the town that raised me since birth
But it isn’t the end
No, this is the beginning
And the time is rapidly approaching
When I will truly begin to live