You professed you were right, and I knew no better
Believed what you said, said what you might,
I've decided to finally unfetter
Myself from the chains, to the rocks you called "safe"
Because as I'll explain in this letter,
Those people you feared,
Have finally come here,
To tell me that I deserve better
With each stretch of my leash, I've learned just how bleak
My life is compared to some others
I've learned that not every home shakes apart,
From fathers who scream at their daughters
I learned and know now
That you won't define me
Because life is too short for that
I found my own family
And they "have my back"
And I've learned that not all the world's bad.
Where you strapped me to boulders and told me to swim
Insisting it's fair and tradition
They've given me wings and lessons of flight
And taught me to use my ambition
They told me to be
As strong as I can
Because nothing is given for free
But one thing that I 'll never forget
Was their love, given freely to me
They say that you cant choose your family
But I'd disagree, stating "I have."
Because only a family could teach me
As much as my chosen one has
For knowing me better
Than you ever will
And giving me hope in place of the chills
I love them to bits
And know I always will
Because they are my new,
Chosen family.
I know I chose them,
And that they chose me too,
Because given the choice now,
I'd never choose you
You chose your glass, your bottle, your mug,
And I chose to feel lost and sorry
Swept under the rug, till the corners were creased
And they found me and told me "don't worry"
But I found them too, and I'll fight my way out
If nothing, to just prove you wrong
I'll succeed, not from you, but because I knew
I had help from my chosen family.