Chasing Dreams
I am flawless because I am strong
I'll never quit when things go wrong
with much experience with good and bad
I still won't quit when I am sad
no matter what puts me down
I shine like diamonds on a crown
I am I
because of who?
I am inside and I will shine through
theres nothing now that could hold me back
for I am flawless, I am me
the strongest girl you'll ever see
in my heart and in my soul
lives memories that help me grow
I lived my life,with no free ride
determination was my guide
I never quit, or lost sight
of who I was or what is right
wanting more I cannot be
the mother who has mothered me
many times I felt i'd quit
but learned to make the best of it
by shutting down , day by day
I taught myself to be this way
a woman who stands without any fear
success is my dream, won't stop till i'm there