Change of society, people, pressures, power
Change of lifestyle that forces us to be different
Think different,
Behave “politically correct”,
When our people are crying silently, begging for us to change.
Is it not the silence of our enemies,
The expression of our people,
The definition of our culture
That makes us great?
“For My People,” we should not be afraid of success
Of passion
Or spoken authority
Of superiority
Our people, his people, her people, WE… as a people.
For if we do not act, break the chain of dissonance,
If we do not run, run from the insolent voices,
If we do not fight, fight for our people,
If we do not change… then who will?
Who will tear down the barriers of continual warfare,
The moans of our generation, who instead of fighting
Is sitting back waiting…
Waiting for answers,
Waiting for the call.
The call of our leaders and political figures,
From the humble maintenance man, to the resilient business owner,
To the
The call from leaders across the globe, telling us that change is HERE
The change is knocking at our door,
That change is around the corner,
That change…
Only happens when
One soul finally stands tall,
Opens the door and screams out loud,
Loud for all to hear
That it’s time to
We cannot continue this hereditary, generational curse
Of leniency
And nonchalance
Or not taking action,
Or not speaking our minds.
Because change takes one time,
And waits for no one.