Boy To Man
From Tonka Toys to Tick Tock on a clock
The time has come to put the childish things away
This prince must now become King
The training is over!!! I step into the ring
Juvenile repetitions cannot become my encircling prison
I must break free...out of this box of the old me
The old me whose buried beneath sands of yesterday
And covered with earthly sheets of past memories
The Pendulum game between soothing familiarity and fearful uncertainty ends now
So I leap out this swing of confusion towards greatness
This is the change from a Boy to a Man
I have always wanted to be a superhero
So instead of wearing capes and mask, I placed on a divine suit of armor and removed my carnal veil to reveal to the world my true identity
So I leave to carnal fantasies to pursue destiny
For my mission is to help those I have been called legacy
This is the divine plan
Moving from extending my needy hands to working to fulfill what my Father commands
Selfish denial has now become maturity because I know...and I understand
That its time to change and go from a boy to a man