Book Runner
The cheers are loud and intense
My heart is beating heavy when the gun goes off
I surge forward and my legs begin to turn
I am alone with my thoughts
I am losing myself in between the words
Externally silent
Internally flooded with ideas, images and visions
Faster and faster I move
I am surrounded by the boisterous crowd
Excitement shoots through the air and my legs
Expanding my horizon and reaching to see
The letters form words and
The words form sentences
Which creates a beautiful whole
Reaching to the final stretch
where I must hold on
My breathing quickens
Digging deep to find whatever strength is left
Retracting from the loud noises
My body relaxes and my thoughts wander
My mind is invigorated
As I digest letters on the page
I create an imagination of it's world
I am reaching the end
My focus is the finish
My mind overcomes the pain
My heart holds the determination
I am reaching the end
The book reveals the ending
My mind brings it to life
They see me cross the finish line
I see me turn the final page