Birth of a Serpent
A girl briefly met Death after
Hissing for twelve years and
Death was prompt and eager.
The container of her life
Turned against her.
What could this girl have done to be banished
From her source of life?
The girl was marked forever
With gift from Death, as a reminder
Of his visit.
His gift ran down her support and told
The world of her encounter.
At first she could not hide,
Or embrace,
Or look
At her gift from Death.
Soon, that gift left her
Strangling herself, as
Her spine tightened around
Her heart and lungs.
I am that girl.
I am jealous of the way you stand;
Straight, free from Death,
I stand twisted,
coiled in a
Permanent slither;
Always reminded of my meeting with Death.
What is it like to not slither?
Do you earn comfort from it?