The BIG, FAT Truth of a Beautful Person
What a damn hindrance
Crippling, it must be
Mind control, they'll never succeed
She's far too strong
Too dominantly minded
Unbeatable confidence
For, she is no sheep in today's society
A leader, naturally so
To the narrow-minded ignorance of present days cookie cutter image she says,"I'm beautiful, and you will not degrade my self image."
She loves herself
From her pretty, round freckled face, to her chubby, sausage toes
From her double chin, to that flawlessly shaped portly abdomen
Full-figured, strong woman
Incogitable confidence
She won't abdicate her self-esteem for any soul on this Earth.
For, she is an able-bodied woman
Sinewy pulchritude
She loves herself, and no one will ever change that
"GIVE UP!" she says, proudly
"I WIN! I CHOSE TO" she yells
Impeccably Flawed ME.