

When trust is broken, hearts are shattered
The bond of love, now torn and tattered
Deception, lies, and hidden schemes
All turning love into shattered dreams

The one you thought was your forever
Turned out to be a traitor, not a lover
The pain you feel, deep and real
The hurt of knowing they didn't feel

The same as you, the love you gave
Was not enough to make them stay
They chose to leave, to break your heart
And now you're left to fall apart

Betrayal cuts like a knife
Leaves scars that last a lifetime
But with time, wounds can heal
And new love can once again be real

So take your time, and mend your heart
Remember, you deserve a love that's smart
A love that's true, a love that's real
A love that will never betray or steal

Yourman 25


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