The beautiful smile
That beautiful smile
I shall never forget
The smile you gave to everyone
So beautiful
I can visualize it
I wish I can see it again
But you're gone
It has been so long since I last saw you
Everyday you're on my mind
Not once do I not think about you
What made you have the decision to dissappear?
What was going on?
How come I never noticed.
The last time I saw you were happy
A beautiful smile I would never forget
Days later you're gone
The last time I saw you
You were in a casket
Pictures of the you around you
An angel
Is what I describe you
You've impacted so many
I'm thankful for that
You're beautiful smile I would never forget.
You've made a change
You've lived your life to the fullest
Til next time Nathan
I miss you
My guardian angel
My friend
You will always be remembered