Attention Shoppers
Attention shoppers,
Please ignore the mess you've made all over the world.
Not just you, brands too.
The mess caused by the masses is nothing to worry about.
Keep giving your clothes to the starving children in Haiti,
The 12.8 million tons you gave last year just isn't enough.
Their landfills are overflowing, but their stomachs aren't.
So, keep your crop tops coming.
Now that you have ignored your mess, keep shopping, please.
That black dress in your hands, yes you.
You need it, for sure, the two you have at home,
The ones you wore 2 times each, so last season.
While you're at it buy a few shirts too,
Even though they will be out style by next week.
That just means you can go home and keep screenshotting more clothes you will buy next week.
Plus! That means you can send those shirts straight back to Bangladesh.
Of course, you had no clue they were from there.
But why would you?
Ethical shopping is so last year.
The factory worker who made it really wants it back,
The penny they got for the work is a constant reminder that they will never afford that $10 top.
So please don't wear it more than once, just buy another one.
Buy a dress for every minor, insignificant event you have,
Do it because your followers will be appalled to see you in a single outfit more than once.
You are basically like a celebrity,
One who cannot be caught dead in the same pair of jeans twice,
Except you don't have half the following they do.
But you basically are them.
So PLEASE! Keep shopping,
And please ignore your mess.