
Buzzzzzz!!! Buzzzzzzzz!!! Where is that sneaky stinger?

(as he swats away at his imaginary insect)

I know it's here somewhere I can hear him buzzing around Buzzzzzz!!! Buzzzzzzzz!! See there it is again! This damn Bee is gonna make me crazy!

(no pun intended)

And where's my lunch? It's egg salad day!

(it's only 6 am and it is tuna day)

I'm tired of the games from these helpers! Ethel!! We need to fire these bastards now! Where is my damn lunch?

(Ethel has been dead for 3 years)

Buzzzzz!!! Buzzzzzzz!!! Ohhh well I'll get you Bee! Ouch! Hey I need some attention here I've just been stung! I'm allergic to that bee & the stinger was at least 6 inches long! Help!!! Help!!! Help!!!

(but no help will come)

Damn you miserable bastards! Damn you all! Where is Ethel she'll take care of this sting...she'll...

(he falls to his knees and begins to weep uncontrollably)

Buzzzz!!! Buzzzzzz!!! Buzzzzzzzz!!! Buzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

(there are no bee's in this padded room only madness)


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