Apology to my mother
let me say two words
I'm sorry
And you can try me, yes try me
'Cause I promise you I'm tryin myself
Tryna hid my own Identity
I am your babygirl
And I know thats what I'll always be
I push you away canstantly
Because I wish you were closer to me
So I'll say it again
These two small words
Im sorry
And all I got is these two small words, but-
This whole complication is to let you know that I'm concened
I'm your babygirl
I've made life hard
Haven't made it at all easy
And I'm sorry, sorry, so very sorry
I've made a huge mistake
And what I really want to say is that Im the mistake
But if that was true God would've never put me here with you
I was selfish
On my own
Tryna do it all alone
So now i realize
You're in my life for a reason
So Im sorry for my selfish attitudes
And my cruel unfair ways
For they have passed
And they won't be coming back for another day
So that basically sums up all I got to say
But wait !
I know these two small words
Just might not do
But I also want to say...
I will ALWAYS love you